This draft list is courtesy of APBR 
(Association for Professional Basketball Research).  
Check back as each list is converted into The Draft Review's 
enhanced format currently displayed with the 1988-2005 drafts,
featuring player profiles, draft trades and in-depth reviews.

1960 DRAFT
New York, NY

T-Territorial Choice

Fifteenth Round
90   Cin    Ducky Potter             Moravian
91   NYK    Jerry Bechtal            Maryland

Sixteenth Round
92   Cin    Gene Jordan              NW Missouri
93   NYK    Jerry Schofield          Utah State

Seventeenth Round
94   Cin    Ernie McCray             Arizona
95   NYK    Tandy Gillis             California

Eighteenth Round
96   Cin    Don Mills                Kentucky
97   NYK    George Krajick           Clemson

Nineteenth Round
98   Cin    Larry Willey             Cincinnati

Twentieth Round
99   Cin    Tony Wilcox              Wittenberg

Twenty-First Round
100  Cin    Jim McDonald             West Virginia Wesleyan